Friday, April 20, 2007

Jeff's been cooking.

Jeff's been doing the cooking this week, hence the lack of updates. We've had pasta/spinach/fauz sausage, faux-chicken nuggets in buffalo sauce, dinner out at Lao Laan Xang, and finally, I had dinner w/ Ronald McDonald (seriously, dude in a clown suit) last night at the annual RMHC-Madison volunteer dinner.

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All complaints about the McD corporation aside, our local Ronald McDonald House does really great things for families of ill children and I've been volunteering there for at least 4 years. I'll not knock the buffet dinner, but clearly my query last month about vegan options was not understood. Oh well, I had leftover Laotian food waiting for me at home.

Farmer's Market on the Square kicks off tomorrow, so you know I'll get some more cooking done this weekend.

And in unrelated to cooking news, the headline Century-old fish found off Alaska is irritating me. She wasn't "found" but rather netted and dragged to the surface, then carted off to be dissected. And is anyone else bothered by the potential off-spring that won't ever be in a species (amongst many) that are being fished into extinction?

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