Friday, June 22, 2007

And we're back!

So, a little housekeeping. Things are back on track at home. This is very good news, and to commemorate that here's a nauseatingly cute photo:
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It might be a bit before it's back to regularly posted food ramblings, but to kick things off again I just scored some sweet DallasWare/TexasWare dishes at St. Vincent DePaul. The guy sorting the shelves asked what I was looking at (as I was turning over every cup and mug in the hopes of finding some more vintage pieces to match) and when I explained he pulled down 4 more sectioned plates from a top shelf I was too short to see.

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I will admit to being a little sad at the check-out though. The girl who rang everything up commented on the dishes and said she'd never seen that material before, well, except for that morning when she sold a set of three large speckled bowls to someone. Drats! I was a few hours too late for the big find.

And she sold them for $1.50 each! What a steal! Oh well. I originally went in to try on a bright green IZOD tennis dress from the 80s hanging in the window, but when that turned out to be way too big for me I really wasn't expecting to find anything else.

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Apologies if this is anyone's dad. I tried to get a better shot just as he was taking a huge bite but we were both moving. This is why the road is a scary place. Not only is that Big Mac slowly taking him out, clogging his arteries and whatnot, but he's driving with BOTH HANDS ON THE BURGER! Is it wrong that I think people shouldn't be allowed to eat and drive? I'll take the cellphone crazies any day because at least they have one hand left for the wheel. (FYI - I wasn't driving. Jeff was. And we'd already stopped at Qdoba for lunch.)


Drasch23 said...

Love the pic of the guy. reminds me of my neighbors.

Heather said...

Yeah, I thought about those photos of your neighbor riding his lawnmower down the block when I took that.

Viv said...

AW! I love the pic of you and Jeff. You two look so adorable.

plastic passion said...

i love texasware! i have a few speckled bowl that i would marry if it was legal.