Friday, March 30, 2007

Green Curry

Lesson learned today: Goya's coconut milk sucks. It's watery and grainy. Thai kitchen, Tasty Joy, or any number of other imported brands with very little English on their labels have been heads and tails above Goya. If you want thick and creamy that is not it.

But, despite the less than perfect coconut milk, I turned out a respectable green curry.

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Ingredients: 1 sliced shallot, a few TBSP diced yellow onion, minced garlic and ginger to taste, 1 TBSP green curry paste (Thai Kitchen), par-boiled cubed gold potatoes, quartered Thai eggplant (they're green and white and round), snow peas, spinach, coconut milk, and green onion.

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This time I remembered the brown rice and made that while the potatoes were cooking.

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